The Future is in the Past

I’m writing a sequel to Against Their Will, in which the story begins with the initiation of an obscure program developed in Southern Europe by members from several European Countries long before the Korean War. These masterminds have discovered a formula to control people with the permanent implantation of a genetic code, that once implanted cannot be revoked. Only death can erase the code. Those with the code follow only the orders of their commanders; conscience and personal convictions are not allowed; they’re not even able to formulate them in their minds.

Fast forward to the future and we learn how our characters from the first book are fairing. Matt is moving forward with success in his movie-making career, and Lynn is climbing the journalism ladder and getting lots of recognition for the book she wrote about her experiences in the first book, Against Their Will.

Barry Swindmore, the wedding planner and society editor for the Houston Chronicle is given an achievement award at his alma mater, Appalachian State University. Thrilled with the opportunity to help establish a journalism college for App State, he believes his friends should be as happy as he is.

Not all is paradise for Matt and Lynn however. They struggle to get on the same page and move forward. Each of their careers is on the fast track of success and neither is quite ready to give up their achievements.

Events happen, and it isn’t long before a new scenario is revealed as global leaders develop even worse plans to alter the course of humanity, all for personal gain.

The past is a key part of current life on Earth. Added to this are some deeply calculated plans prepared to be enacted by even more evil people. While the victims of Against Their Will were limited in their geographical backgrounds and most were from the United States, in the sequel, the entire world will be affected and controlled by those who want to destroy life, not heal it. Only those with select genetic backgrounds will be used; the rest disposed of as trash.

As I write this new book, I am forced to look more deeply into the motivations for evil in all people. I think the most obvious is we’re all selfish. We all want to look out for ourselves first and others last. This is the core of the fallen human. And, we’re all fallen. Matt, Lynn, Barry, you, and I, we’ve all sinned, more than once. It’s in our genetic code. Despite wishing it were so, there is nothing we can do to get rid of the sin. We only have hope through forgiveness, given in love.

Easter is a reminder that we cannot pardon ourselves, or erase our sins. Jesus Christ came, out of pure love, and died on the cross to erase our sins. He didn’t charge us a penny for this. Instead, He offers his forgiveness freely to all who will accept it. He is the only one who can forgive us of our sins, and not accepting His freely given gift will cause one to spend an eternity apart from Him and in never-ending agony.

Please consider the role of sin in your life. Is pleasure, wealth, possessions, or self-centered actions the way to live a successful life? One may be fooled for a time and believe it to be true. But, one day there will be an accounting for all our actions on this Earth. We will all have to own up to our mistakes. Do you want to come up short on that day? If not, you can ask Christ to forgive your sins and ask Him into your life. He will forgive you because He’s already paid the price. It’s as simple as that.

If you would like more information on the subject or would like to discuss this matter, please respond to this post. I will be happy to chat privately and answer any questions you may have.