The Future is in the Past

I’m writing a sequel to Against Their Will, in which the story begins with the initiation of an obscure program developed in Southern Europe by members from several European Countries long before the Korean War. These masterminds have discovered a formula to control people with the permanent implantation of a genetic code, that once implanted cannot be revoked. Only death can erase the code. Those with the code follow only the orders of their commanders; conscience and personal convictions are not allowed; they’re not even able to formulate them in their minds.

Fast forward to the future and we learn how our characters from the first book are fairing. Matt is moving forward with success in his movie-making career, and Lynn is climbing the journalism ladder and getting lots of recognition for the book she wrote about her experiences in the first book, Against Their Will.

Barry Swindmore, the wedding planner and society editor for the Houston Chronicle is given an achievement award at his alma mater, Appalachian State University. Thrilled with the opportunity to help establish a journalism college for App State, he believes his friends should be as happy as he is.

Not all is paradise for Matt and Lynn however. They struggle to get on the same page and move forward. Each of their careers is on the fast track of success and neither is quite ready to give up their achievements.

Events happen, and it isn’t long before a new scenario is revealed as global leaders develop even worse plans to alter the course of humanity, all for personal gain.

The past is a key part of current life on Earth. Added to this are some deeply calculated plans prepared to be enacted by even more evil people. While the victims of Against Their Will were limited in their geographical backgrounds and most were from the United States, in the sequel, the entire world will be affected and controlled by those who want to destroy life, not heal it. Only those with select genetic backgrounds will be used; the rest disposed of as trash.

As I write this new book, I am forced to look more deeply into the motivations for evil in all people. I think the most obvious is we’re all selfish. We all want to look out for ourselves first and others last. This is the core of the fallen human. And, we’re all fallen. Matt, Lynn, Barry, you, and I, we’ve all sinned, more than once. It’s in our genetic code. Despite wishing it were so, there is nothing we can do to get rid of the sin. We only have hope through forgiveness, given in love.

Easter is a reminder that we cannot pardon ourselves, or erase our sins. Jesus Christ came, out of pure love, and died on the cross to erase our sins. He didn’t charge us a penny for this. Instead, He offers his forgiveness freely to all who will accept it. He is the only one who can forgive us of our sins, and not accepting His freely given gift will cause one to spend an eternity apart from Him and in never-ending agony.

Please consider the role of sin in your life. Is pleasure, wealth, possessions, or self-centered actions the way to live a successful life? One may be fooled for a time and believe it to be true. But, one day there will be an accounting for all our actions on this Earth. We will all have to own up to our mistakes. Do you want to come up short on that day? If not, you can ask Christ to forgive your sins and ask Him into your life. He will forgive you because He’s already paid the price. It’s as simple as that.

If you would like more information on the subject or would like to discuss this matter, please respond to this post. I will be happy to chat privately and answer any questions you may have.


One week ago today (Saturday) I lost one of my most precious things, my cat Abner. I am still battling tears as I write this.

Abner came to us a little over a year ago. He was living in our shed and was afraid of everyone, especially me. No wonder, he was living on his own, finding his own food, shelter and safety from predators. When I first saw him I knew I needed to help him, but it had to be on his terms.

Daily, I was out there with fresh food and water. He would look down at me from the rafters (where he had some place to hide while sleeping), and watch my movements as I put out his food and refilled his water dish. All the time he stood there watching, I chatted with him. (I know that sounds crazy but he soon associated my voice with food.) 

Time went by and he continued to live in our shed. I was finally able to touch him briefly on his back while he ate. I was surprised that he didn’t flinch. That initial touch turned into petting he seemed to like for he started purring.

Late May arrived and the weather began to warm a little, and he was spending more time away from our shed. He still came for his daily meals, as the food was eaten, but I didn’t always see him.

One Sunday, I went to the shed with food, called him by name, and he slowly climbed down from the rafters to me. I immediately saw why he was moving so slowly. He had blood running down his face and from one eye. I panicked and ran to my husband, screaming that we had to get him help right away.

I started calling around to see who might help and came across a wonderful cat rescue group called FUR (Feline Urgent Rescue). The volunteer I spoke with was so helpful and understanding. She made arrangements to meet my husband and me the next morning with a trap and release cage. She instructed us on how to use it. 

We put the cage out that evening after filling it with a can of the best tuna we could find. Abner was trapped in the cage the next morning, crying and pitiful. 

We took him to the Vet that FUR uses and they took Abner in, neutered him, took care of his wounds and gave him his shots, and any other medication he needed.

We brought him home and released him inside the room we would be keeping him in until he healed and felt well enough to meet the rest of the family which was Gracie, our indoor cat and matron of our home!

I can only imagine how traumatic all that was for him because he had no way of understanding his treatment was given to him out of love and concern for his well-being.

It hit me that his experience is like many human experiences, especially the ones that lead us to a relationship with God. He tugs at us, uses circumstances, and sometimes direct words from a well-meaning person. But as all that happens, no matter how frightening or overwhelming, we are carried along by His love. He knows His plan for us and wants to care for us, but so often we fight back, hissing and scratching and clawing at whatever it is that faces us, even if what we face is something for our own good.

Abner adapted quickly to us and our daily routines. He loved sitting with us while we watched tv and he loved to take a nap in the sun in a rocker on our front porch. Sadly, it was that nap in his favorite rocker that led to his demise.

Two dogs from a house up the street (pit bull/boxer mix) trotted into our yard and up on our porch and grabbed Abner. My husband heard the commotion but by the time he got to the porch there was no one around, so he came back inside. I came into the kitchen and asked where Abner was. He said he didn’t know but that he was on the porch earlier.

A bad feeling churned in my gut. I ran outside yelling his name (he always came running when I called) but, that day nothing.  I went to the back side of our house and noticed the two dogs in the driveway across the street from me. They were glaring at me. I kept calling “Abner” now very worried that I didn’t see him anywhere.

I started to walk up the side yard all the while feeling the glare of those two dogs watching me. I suddenly saw an animal unmoving in the grass. I bent over and knew immediately it was Abner. He was still warm, but dead.

I cannot begin to relate my horror and shock. I screamed out at the dogs and they ran off. I picked up Abner and carried him back to the house and wrapped him in a towel. My husband immediately called the police, the sheriff and then Animal Control. Animal Control was the only agency willing to respond. 

All this to say, there was nothing that could be done except to issue a citation to the dogs’ owners. But, this post is not about vengeance, or even right and wrong. It’s about trust and love. Abner personified both. He loved us and wanted to be with us. He trusted us to take care of him and we did, until that last fateful day that I will forever regret. 

Even when life seems its worst, we can trust God to look over us, provide for us, and guard our paths each day. It doesn’t mean we won’t have hard times or heart breaks, but it means His love is always there, hovering over us, no matter what. We may be in a circumstance that we don’t feel His love, or we think we’re so bad He can never love us, but that is when He loves us the most.

I know God has His reasons for taking Abner as He did. Yes it hurts, and I cry as I write this. But, I also trust that God will work something good out of this tragedy. I pray too, that maybe you will find Him in your darkest moments as He is there to love you and care for you. It’s just that its on His terms and not ours.

Abner, we will always love you and you will live in our hearts forever. Rest in peace, my dear boy.

Against Their Will – Will the Pressure Ever Stop?

As I rush to conform to the demands on my shoulders, two traits, perfect and quick, are holding me back! I feel the need to be perfect in my words and ideas so maybe, just maybe readers will get hooked and keep reading, or even better recommend the book to a friend who buys a copy and so on. You work every spare moment of every day (and night in my case), and just when you think you’ve got it right, something else causes you to stumble and question everything you’ve ever considered in trying to write, promote, and sell your work. Most any writer can relate to this unless he or she has superpowers and can bypass this obstacle!

Pushing forward to produce work worthy of selling, I keep desiring quick; quick results, quick rewards, and quick everything related to my goal of creating work worthy of being read. Yet, unexpected bumps come along, as they do for any writer working to get their work seen and appreciated. There seems to be some detail or issue about your book you never thought in a million years would be a problem. Deadlines get changed without warning, and new demands, insisting you “market yourself and your work” get added to the mix of stomach-churning, acid-burning stress that clinches your insides with anxiety and keeps you awake at night.

The person who can develop, find, or produce a cure for this will be worth millions to those who benefit from their cure! But, one cannot let his or her guard down once your work starts to get noticed. That’s just the beginning of deadlines, pressure, and stress. And, when it looks promising that it will be picked up by a publisher, don’t think you’re home-free just yet!

“Oh, we need a revised and edited manuscript by next week. You can do that, can’t you?” I groan just thinking of this. Then there is the other applecart upset of the week, “We can’t publish your book, this year. The budget isn’t big enough”, or “We need to see more interest in your book”. The clincher for me is, “We need someone who can invest more time and money in their project.”

Okay, this is just a glimpse of what it is like to try to make it in the world of publishing. Not all aspiring authors face this. Some are truly blessed to be noticed and acquired without jumping through a world of hoops and other obstacles. So, how do those of us not so blessed; those who feel as if they’re constantly vibrating from stress constantly streaming through their veins survive?

Survive, that is the word. And, it is one I’m still working to achieve. Somedays, I’m on a cloud, so elated that something promising happened that pushed me one step nearer my goal, that I can’t stop grinning. Then a day or so later, I’m as low in the dumps as one can be because that promise of publishing, or getting an agent, or a contract for a movie script all fell apart with little more than one big sneeze.

Ah, so is life. If one is not stressed through one aspect of their work, there is certainly another job that can produce even more stress. And when that wave washes over me I’m just as destroyed as I would be if it had been a giant tsunami.

Stress is not limited to aspiring authors. It happens to all of us at one time or another. It’s a fact of life. How we survive it, is by our perspective on the big picture. Sometimes we have to give ourselves permission to fail, learn from it, and move forward with revisions made to our game plan. If we want something bad enough we won’t give up. If we do throw the towel in, then we believe we aren’t worthy of the reward of what we were chasing.

For me, all this is true. But, I do have one person who’s on my side, who truly cares for me and wants only the best for me in all things. And, in my love for Him, I am grateful that He sees a much bigger picture than I do. The fight is all in His ability to get me to see, hear, and listen to what He wants. For, He alone knows what works best, both in the plot and in life.

Who is He? Jesus Christ, my Lord and my Savior. In the end, it will all work out according to plan and it will be good.

Against Their Will – Global Minds

Nancy Livingstone

After a few years of chasing other pursuits, mostly just getting through the daily demands of life, I have been blessed to be able to get back to my passion, writing. As my first book, Against Their Will, is getting a new life along with lots of exciting possibilities, I am now pursuing a sequel, currently titled Against Their Will – Global Minds .

In this sequel, the reader will be updated on the characters from the first book and meet a new group of people, all with their own agendas driving them in different directions with one goal, control, of themselves, others, and ultimately, the world.

Since the first ATW book, the main characters, Matt Grayson and Lynn McCane are enjoying the new life they found from their trials and adventures the first time around. As far as they know, there are no fears following them from their past. Matt is courted by Hollywood to sign on for more staring roles, and Lynn has earned a reputation as a hard hitting journalist who goes after the truth, no matter what. What they don’t realize is that brewing beneath the daily news is a huge story, that if enacted will change life on the planet in ways that will affect every individual, rich, poor, healthy or ill that are hard, for those who will be affected, to imagine.

Against Their Will – Global Minds is set on a world stage where powerful and known and some not well-known individuals are making plans for every human being on the planet.

Promises are made that claim this new life will be an utopia, a life of ease and lack of want for anything. And, all of this will be courtesy of an obscure and relatively unknown group of people who claim no one should be denied anything in life due to lack of money or other resources. They make this promise because they have access to hidden resources. This little known group is ready to boldly move forward with their plans. And, an unsuspecting world is cheering them on.

The human genome research that was developed in Against Their Will is still alive and well, but is a closely held secret with only a few select people knowing exactly what and where it is being developed and how it will be deployed.

This sequel begins in North Carolina where a group of physicians and other researchers in nearby Research Triangle Park are working together to bring forward some new treatments using modifications learned from human genome research. They are tapping into the brain power of some of the greatest medical minds in the world. It is this resource of brain power that made this area such an attractive place to move forward with their exploration and ultimate control over the world’s resources.

Let’s meet some of the characters.

Dean McCanter, MD – Dean grew up in eastern North Carolina and finished his undergraduate work at NC State University in biomedical engineering. By the time he earned his Bachelor’s degree at State, he knew that research into new treatments, especially cures, was the ticket to his desire for money and status in life. The only fly in his ointment after gaining his MD degree from the medical school at Duke University, was to be assigned a residency at Rex Hospital in Raleigh; the hospital being part of the UNC Healthcare network. No self-respecting, loyal member of NC State’s Wolfpack would allow such a thing to happen. Grudgingly he accepts the post and conforms to the work demands all the while telling himself it is only temporary. He is offered the position of Chief of the Emergency Department, a position he believes will catapult him to his real desire, making more money while increasing his status in the world. In the interim, he looks for ways to get the debt collectors off his back.

Sky Carver, MD – Sky is a year younger than Dean McCanter and doesn’t come from an affluent family. She grew up believing hard work and doing her best with what she was given was the only way to success. She is not a stranger to hard work, as she worked her way through college, and then attended a lesser known medical school, one in which the tuition was a bit more reasonable. Sky didn’t care the school wasn’t a Harvard or a Yale. She is determined to succeed no matter what. Sky is second in command of the Emergency Department at Rex, under Dean McCanter. Prior to Dean’s promotion to Chief of the ER at Rex, Sky had been told she was to be the next director, just as soon as some things could be put in place. When Dean was named Chief, she was shocked, then filled with anger.

What really gets Sky rolling is the lack of leadership from the newly appointed Chief of the ER, Dean McCanter. It all comes to a head when he’s no where to be found on an evening shift when a massive pile-up on I-40 overwhelms the ER. Sky takes over and manages things, but it only serves to increase her dislike and resentment of the current chief.

Against Their Will – Global Minds, opens on a Friday evening rush hour in Raleigh. After working two shifts in the Rex Hospital ER back to back, Sky is on her way home. Just as she is within a few miles of her apartment, the ER calls and begs her to return. There’s a huge pile-up on I-40 and lots of casualties. Sky turns around, and returns to the ER only to find the it is understaffed and no one knows where chief, Dean McCanter is.

The deluge of patients continues throughout the evening and overnight. Sky does her best to stay afloat with all the demands, but the injuries they’re seeing are severe and some quite puzzling. She struggles to keep things running and despite multiple calls and pages, no one can find Dr. McCanter. What’s worse, a number of those brought in are in extreme pain and exhibiting unusual symptoms, fevers, rashes, disorientation and ultimately coma followed quickly by death.

This post introduces two of the main characters in Against Their Will – Global Minds . In the next post, additional players will be introduced.

Thank you for reading, and as always, comments and thoughts are welcome!

Big Pharma, Friend or Enemy?

My "Big Pharma"

My “Big Pharma”

Everyday it seems we are subjected to yet another “new” study that insists we must do this or that to better our health. Sadly, so may accept these “announcements” as total truth without doing any background research on the subject. Being constantly bombarded by media, we tend to start believing everything we hear. Since it’s coming from the news, it has to be true. Does it? Really?

As I mentioned in my last post, most anyone can concoct a stunning web site and post most any information on it. And because it looks professional, it immediately gains credibility with the reader. Again, really?!!!

I too, have been fooled by snazzy sites and flashy reports that claim to have the “only” way to make my life better. A blog I follow, and have found to have mostly good information, recently came under attack for “selling” items and information on the site. The author responded with an apology, but said that was the only way he could afford to continue posting the info. It’s a shame that he has to do this, but certainly understandable. In today’s business models, profit is important, and even just generating enough to cover costs is necessary. A necessary evil we all live with.

But, I digress. I didn’t start this post to complain about business and the economy. Actually it is due to a recent article I saw on the web regarding cholesterol. As we age (and I’ve done my fair share of it!), we all get more and more concerned with the issue. Lately, I’ve read a number of articles slamming the mainstream cholesterol medications as being bad for us. And there are just as many out there preaching we must do (eat and take) all that the mainstream medical profession says we should.

We should all be aware of the fact that “Big Pharma” spends boat loads of money trying to influence the front line of health care providers to prescribe their drugs. Yes, there is very much a profit motive. But, at what cost, our health?

With new research and the spate of lawsuits regarding fairly recent drugs, (can you say Xarelto, Avandia, and many others?) those who are astute in following these developments have a very real reason to fear what might be forced on them by well meaning health care practitioners. Sadly, most people receiving health care don’t bother to read up on the drugs they are prescribed and many do not follow recent developments in the pharmaceutical industry.

Granted, there are many great drugs out there. And my heart goes to all front-line health care practitioners as they have a very difficult and stressful job. I believe they are following the guidelines given to them with the full intent of doing what is best for the patient. The trouble is, the Big Pharma companies don’t have the same goal. They are about money, and more money. And that is the conflict of it all.

In my book, Against Their Will, this mentality prevails. Scientists, hired in secret by the US Government, have discovered a new class of drugs that show serious potential to cure a lot of diseases. Even more importantly, they see how they can use their discoveries to make big money. It doesn’t matter to them the human life cost. They are immune. Their instructions are to produce the drug and multiply it at all costs.

When I first started writing this book, these assumptions were considered scandalous. Sadly, it is so much more believable today that it is downright frightening.

What can we do? Do we have any options? Or, do we have no choice but to comply? I believe it is up to each individual to determine this. However, there are things we can do.

We can find informative sources and research them to determine their credibility and therefore make our own decisions. We can search for and engage health care providers who understand our concerns and work with us to find solutions. And, we can say no. No to what is being prescribed. No to what is being strongly suggested we must take to save our lives. No, to those who don’t care about us and our health, but care more for their own pocketbook.

We need to open our eyes and decide for ourselves what is best for us and take advice from those we truly trust and know have our best interests in mind. Being responsible for our self in every way, especially our health, is the only hope we have.

Are Your Bad Guys Bad Enough?

Most people don’t like bad guys. After all, they spend their real or fictional lives antagonizing others or themselves!

The epitome of a "bad guy" stage!

The epitome of a “bad guy” stage!

Bad guys make us sit on the edges of our seats, get sweaty palms, or even raise our heart rates. But are they really necessary for a good story?

YES! It’s been stated many times that conflict makes a story engaging or engrossing. What better way to create conflict than to have a bad guy antagonizing our hero. The greatest thrillers use this model and even dramatic stories successfully incorporate the bad guys into the plot line.

I’m a fan of Diana Galbadon (The Outlander Series and Starz Network Show). She has successfully created a number of bad guys that really set my teeth on edge and make my fingernails grow a couple of inches; all the better to claw their eyes out with! I hate the bad guys. I want them dead, gone, kaput! But, if they left the scene right away, what consequences would ensue? Sure, the protagonist would be “okay” but, would the story be as interesting if there was nothing to fear or be angry about? Would the reader really want to continue reading?

Not all stories use human characters to facilitate the bad guy persona. While many do, many authors are quite adept at using events and inanimate objects to antagonize the protagonists. A hurricane, health scare or disease outbreak, or financial crisis are just a few situations that are “bad” and can do much to facilitate character development and story interest. Situations a reader can relate to also help to grow interest and empathy from a reader. An author is not limited to human, breathing bad guys, but objects and events can be drafted to do the job.

I must admit I love “pulling the chains” of my “bad” characters. It is fulfilling, at times, to inflict emotional and/or physical distress on them. No, I’m not a sadist! But, writing in this manner is a great release of frustrations in my own life. I find it very cathartic and liberating. However, it is also rewarding to let some bad guys find redemption and become someone who is forgiven, loved, or even a savior of the protagonist. Either scenario, letting the bad guy stay bad and resolve the issues encountered with tragedy or letting him or her change and resolve the story in a more positive note make for writing that is captivating.

And if it makes for a best seller, all the better!

Until next time . . .

Making Characters Work for You

Oh what to eat first! Just more food for thought!

Oh what to eat first! Just more food for thought!

We’ve discussed memorable characters and briefly touched on some of the qualities that make them work. But what really makes a character work in a story, movie or book?

For those of you who watched the tv series, Breaking Bad, you’ve seen great characters at work. The series has characters you can relate to; love, hate and even feel sorry for. But, if you were really into the series, you can say one thing, there is no character there that does not elicit some type of reaction from the viewer. Hmmm, wonder why that is?

In dissecting the issue, let’s look at some of the character traits. Walter White is faced with a life threatening situation. He also is strongly motivated to provide for his family. He’s so motivated that he is willing to do just about anything to accomplish his goal. In seeking that goal, he goes out on many limbs and does things that no one, well at least most anyone would ever expect of him.

Then, look at Jesse. He is also pulled into Walter’s world and while his motivations are drastically different, he embarks on a journey with Walter that changes him profoundly. They have conflict, dramatically different views on many things, but as they progress through their journey together, they also learn how the other looks at things. Even when they disagree, they slowly develop a semblance of respect for the other.

Okay, so I’ve oversimplified things – I didn’t want to do any “spoiling” for those who have not seen the show. But, these characters are very complex. There are no simple solutions to their dilemmas and their motivations are not all about any one thing, but arise from different layers in each of their lives. They are not one-dimensional, but multi-faceted. They can feel sympathy for something simple or complex. They can react with rage over big or small events. They can withdraw or lash out because of situations encountered. And all of these things can create tension; between the characters and between the characters and events, or objects, that create some dissonance in their psyche.  All of these add interest and tension.

Interest and tension. One creates the other. Create tension between two or more characters and interest blooms. Create even more tension, distress, conflict, or whatever to put characters at odds with each other or their environment, and interest grows. Interest keeps the viewer and the reader engaged.

Much has been said about making sure characters encounter conflict. It is true that this is the basis for tension which is what keeps people on the edges of their seats, or as an author wants more than anything, readers turning the pages!

Food for thought and hopefully, a little stirring of the juices here! Until next time – happy writing!

We have so much right at our fingers. Do we know or care?

What some call weeds, others call medicine.

What some call weeds, others call medicine.We have been blessed with so much, not just the material things in our lives, but the things Nature has given us.

We have been blessed with so much, not just the material things in our lives, but the things Nature has given us.

Those in past generations knew about some of the naturally occurring medicines provided by nature; things such as berries, roots, bark, leaves, etc. But as humankind advanced and began to make our own medicines, it became very convenient to forget about what was given to us by Nature.

Today, there seems to be a rising awareness as to the bounty of natural substances that are ready and waiting to be discovered and used. New interest is growing in the use of herbs, nuts, various plants, trees, and shrubs to cure, heal and even enhance our lives. Books are proliferating on shelves that discuss and dissect the entire topic of herbal and natural healing.

When our world was created, we were given all we would ever need to survive. But, we were challenged to discover and perfect our knowledge on our own. All the medicines to overcome the frailties inherent in our species were provided, but cloaked or hidden in various plants or in nature itself. This is a great thing to realize we have it all, but mankind is too often blinded by his or her overblown sense of self.

Those with determination, the will and the ability can study and learn how to use these medicines and how best to harness their power. Win-win, right? Not necessarily. Humans aren’t perfect and our inner core screams out to take care of self first. From there it is a slippery slope into outright deviation from doing good, to just doing what is best for the self. I think we all have a point of corruption. Given enough rope, (some need more than others) we would all hang ourselves. Given no boundaries to stop us, we would all eventually self-destruct, all in the pursuit of self pleasure.

In Against Their Will, scientists have discovered a natural substance in pine rosin that shows promise to cure many diseases and even enhance the human life. They develop a series of compounds that can cure multiple dreaded diseases, change personality traits and even give extraordinary longevity to humans. Sounds great, right? Sadly, these wondrous discoveries fall into greedy hands and are manipulated to serve selfish interests, not the greater good.

Should the abuse by some cancel the good that is done by others? That is the question, both in my book and in life. If seeing how this dilemma is played out in one scenario, read the book Against Their Will. If you’re interested in learning about some of the valuable plants that can benefit your life, read more at the following Healthy Holistic Living

What can Book Clubs do for you?

Books of every genre can be promoted at a book club.

Books of every genre can be promoted at a book club.

Many of you may belong to book clubs, others may have utilized their exposure to boost name recognition and sales.

I recently made myself available to book clubs as a speaker and guest. It remains to be seen how profitable this will be (not just in sales made, but in gaining more exposure to future readers), but regardless, I think it will produce some helpful insight in how readers look for books, how they digest them and what they are looking for in a book.

I know, I know, we’re creative types, but business intrudes into our fantasy world, especially if we want to keep creating those fantasies for others to read. So, I feel this is a viable tool to help us research hot topics, see what is “happening” with readers as well as get a little much needed recognition.

Most of all, I would love to hear from others about his or her experiences in dealing with book clubs. Do you feel it is worth the time or effort? What did you find to be the best or the worst experiences?

Thanks for your insight!

Happy reading and writing!


Books waiting to be autographed.

Books waiting to be autographed.

Writer’s Block? Naaah…

Even when things seem mundane, look for the possibilities.

Even when things seem mundane, look for the possibilities.

I’ve never been one for New Year’s resolutions and this year is no exception with one exception. I’m making one resolution. And this is one that I encourage all writers out there to embrace as well. That’s it, just one. Write. That’s right, write!

What’s so hard about sticking to this one demand? Well, I for one can wrangle just about every type of procrastination angle out there. I’ve written about procrastination before. I’m sure I will again, especially when I’m ready to beat myself up over it!

This year, I plan to change my ways. I plan to make time each day to write at least a paragraph on my latest book; hopefully more. Do I think I’ll be successful? I should, but who knows what sort of roadblocks will come my way. The cat wants out, so while I’m at it I should take the trash out. Then I see a stack of junk that needs to be hauled to the garbage, from there I find I’m now cleaning out my closet. By the time that is finished, it’s midnight and I’m pooped. Another day gone and no time at the computer. See how I think?!

Just write!

I challenge each of you to do the same. I would especially love to hear your thoughts on this and any tricks you come up with to overcome roadblocks (aka excuses) to keep you from creating those magical words that can transform any of us into a new place or thought pattern.

Focus! Just write!

Happy New Year and let the writing begin!