Writer’s Block? Naaah…

Even when things seem mundane, look for the possibilities.

Even when things seem mundane, look for the possibilities.

I’ve never been one for New Year’s resolutions and this year is no exception with one exception. I’m making one resolution. And this is one that I encourage all writers out there to embrace as well. That’s it, just one. Write. That’s right, write!

What’s so hard about sticking to this one demand? Well, I for one can wrangle just about every type of procrastination angle out there. I’ve written about procrastination before. I’m sure I will again, especially when I’m ready to beat myself up over it!

This year, I plan to change my ways. I plan to make time each day to write at least a paragraph on my latest book; hopefully more. Do I think I’ll be successful? I should, but who knows what sort of roadblocks will come my way. The cat wants out, so while I’m at it I should take the trash out. Then I see a stack of junk that needs to be hauled to the garbage, from there I find I’m now cleaning out my closet. By the time that is finished, it’s midnight and I’m pooped. Another day gone and no time at the computer. See how I think?!

Just write!

I challenge each of you to do the same. I would especially love to hear your thoughts on this and any tricks you come up with to overcome roadblocks (aka excuses) to keep you from creating those magical words that can transform any of us into a new place or thought pattern.

Focus! Just write!

Happy New Year and let the writing begin!